Thursday, April 23, 2009

Salute to Quality 2009

The Carolina First Center for Excellence (CFCE) hosted the first annual Salute to Quality event showcasing CFCE Partner Schools and their successes in Continuous Quality Improvement. The Greenville Chamber Boardroom was transformed into a gallery of Quality in Education. Over 200 educators, business, and community leaders viewed displays and shared best practices in Continous Quality Improvement.

Educators noted the great networking opportunities with other CFCE partner schools and the ability to see the community interested in what their schools were doing. Teachers referred to the Salute to Quality as a "great and meaningful event" and were "excited about what they learned!"

Dean Davidson, President of The Adopt Lean Group and CFCE Advisory Board member stated, "As a quality professional and continuous improvement coach, I was really impressed with the creative use of the quality tools in the classroom. As a business owner, I am very impressed with the skills that our students are developing at such an early age that will allow them to become productive members of our future workforce."

The Carolina First Center for Excellence would like to thank our table sponsors, Carolina First, Greenville Federal Credit Union, Jason's Deli, Liquid Highway, and Pinnacle Marketing for their support to the Salute to Quality event.
CFCE also thanks the following major investors for their continue support of the Carolina First Center for Excellence: The South Financial Group, Hollingsworthe Foundation, GE Power, Greenville County Schools, Fluor Foundation, Fujikura Foundation, Lockheed, and Sealed Air Corporation.

A special thanks to the faculty and staff of CFCE Partner Schools for creating displays to showcase their accomplishments in Continuous Quality Improvement. Congratulations on your efforts and successes in Quality.

Please enjoy the Salute to Quality slideshow to the left of the article and make plans to attend Salute to Quality 2010!

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